Sunday, March 7, 2010

Global Warming

It was 50 degrees here today. Hooray for global warming. At least that's what I say til the poisonous snakes and giant insects from the southlands move in here. And 50 degrees also means black flies will be with us shortly. The husband and I placed bets on when we'll hear our first wood frogs--historically Not in March. More like right around April vacation. But it's supposed to be in the 40s this week, the ice is going fast and frogs are a possibility. I've seen them emerge and float among icebergs.

Remember James Herriot? All Creatures Great and Small? I have re-read all of his books in the past three or four weeks and am now on his illustrated book about Yorkshire. If I could beam myself anywhere right now, it would be there. The pictures were all taken in the 70s, which doesn't seem that long ago, but good Lord, it really was. Ah well, at least if I can't travel, I can watch the TV series through Netflix. Time travel + armchair travel = cheap vacation.

Rediscovered contra dancing this weekend. Good fun. Again, more time travel, this time back to colonial days. I sense a theme.

The chickens have turned into criminals--trespassing left and right. They have started sprinting across the field behind our house to the neighbor's whose leaf pile seems to have some narcotic hold on them. The boys have had a workout herding chickens home. The sight of six chickens streaking across the field is better entertainment than the Oscars. Never an Oscar lover, though, I find most things are. Are my chickens turning into vagrants like some guinea fowl I know?

In the knitting department--am on my fourth pair of socks since Christmas. I'm using Misti Alpaca (merino, alpaca, silk and nylon). It's looovely.

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