Saturday, May 22, 2010

Bird Frenzy

It's that time of year when our migrant breeding birds come pouring back into the state and I go a little crazy. Many birders live for these few weeks and I'm one of them. I've made some small steps toward learning my peeps and ducks in the last year, but it's the songbirds I truly love. Every year I re-learn the warbler songs, plus one more. I don't know whose it will be this year. Last year it was the Tennessee. Maybe this year, I'll finally learn all my flycatchers. Right.

Phoebe still seems to be scouting for a nest site; today it was in our garage.

There do seem to be birds missing: not many thrushes and a complete lack of northern waterthrushes (actually a warbler) in their usual spots. I haven't seen our oriole yet either, though I've seen lots elsewhere.

I still have many birds to get this spring before all the migrants have passed through and our local residents are settled in. Miles to go before I sleep...